Memory Training Made Fun: CEO of the Umonics Method  Sancy Suraj’s Innovative Approach

As the editor of a magazine that specializes in interviewing CEOs, we were excited to have the opportunity to speak with Sancy Suraj, the CEO of the Umonics Method, an innovative program that focuses on making memory training fun for children. With her extensive experience in education and her passion for helping children learn, we were eager to hear more about her unique approach to memory training.

How does the Umonics Method make memory training fun for children?
At the Umonics Method, we strongly believe in making learning fun and engaging for children. We understand that young children have short attention spans, and traditional memorization methods can be tedious and uninteresting. Therefore, we have designed our program to be fun and engaging, incorporating elements of games and play into our lessons.

One of the ways we make memory training fun for children is by using visual aids such as flashcards, colorful pictures, and interactive videos. We believe that visual learning is more effective than traditional rote memorization methods, and it helps children retain information better. Our program also incorporates storytelling and role-playing activities that help children remember information in a creative and imaginative way. We have found that these activities not only help children remember information better but also make learning more enjoyable.

Another way we make memory training fun for children is by using positive reinforcement. We believe in celebrating every small win and achievement, no matter how small it may seem. Our teachers and trainers provide encouragement and praise to our students, which helps build their confidence and encourages them to continue learning. We also use games and challenges to make learning competitive and fun, which motivates children to try their best and excel in their learning.

Finally, we make memory training fun for children by creating a supportive and nurturing environment. Our teachers are trained to create a safe and welcoming space where children feel comfortable and free to learn. We believe that a positive learning environment helps children develop a love for learning and a desire to continue learning throughout their lives.

In conclusion, the Umonics Method makes memory training fun for children by incorporating visual aids, storytelling, positive reinforcement, and a supportive learning environment. By making learning enjoyable, we hope to instill a love for learning and a desire to continue developing their memory skills throughout their lives.

Can you tell us more about the innovative approach you take towards memory training in your program?
At the Umonics Method, we take an innovative approach towards memory training by making it a fun and engaging experience for children. We believe that for children to retain information effectively, they need to be motivated and excited about the learning process. Therefore, we have developed a unique teaching methodology that incorporates games, music, and visual aids to create a fun and interactive learning experience.

One of the innovative techniques we use is the “Memory Palace” method, also known as the “Method of Loci.” This method involves visualizing a familiar location, such as a house or a park, and associating each piece of information with a specific location within that space. This helps children to remember the information more effectively by creating a mental image that is easy to recall. We also incorporate other memory techniques such as storytelling, repetition, and mnemonics to help children develop their memory skills.

Another innovative approach we take is personalizing the learning experience for each child. We understand that every child has different learning styles and preferences, and therefore, we tailor our teaching approach to cater to each child’s individual needs. For example, some children may respond better to visual aids, while others may prefer hands-on activities. By personalizing the learning experience, we ensure that each child is engaged and motivated to learn.

Lastly, we make use of technology to enhance the learning experience. Our program includes interactive games and online resources that children can access from home, allowing them to practice their memory skills in a fun and engaging way. We also provide regular progress reports to parents to track their child’s development and provide personalized feedback and recommendations for improvement.

In conclusion, our innovative approach towards memory training involves creating a fun and engaging learning experience for children, personalizing the learning approach to cater to each child’s individual needs, and incorporating technology to enhance the learning experience. Through our unique teaching methodology, we aim to provide children with the skills and tools they need to develop their memory skills and achieve their full potential.

What inspired you to create a memory training program for preschoolers?
As a memory athlete and a corporate trainer, I have always been passionate about memory and how it impacts our lives. I believe that memory is a foundational skill that is essential for success not only in academic life but also in everyday life. It is a skill that can be developed, and the earlier we start, the better. This realization led me to create a memory training program for preschoolers. I noticed that while children were being taught to read and write at a young age, memory training was not being emphasized. I felt that this was a missed opportunity, and so I decided to create a program that would fill this gap.

In addition, I believe that a child’s early years are crucial for their development, and that is why I chose to focus on preschoolers. At this age, children are like sponges, absorbing information and learning at a rapid pace. By introducing memory techniques to them at this age, we are setting a strong foundation for their future learning and success. Moreover, preschoolers are naturally curious and love to learn new things. So, memory training can be made a fun and engaging experience for them.

Another factor that inspired me to create this program was the lack of emphasis on memory training in the education system. Many children struggle with memorization and recall, which can be a significant hindrance to their academic success. With the Umonics Method, we aim to provide children with the tools they need to retain and recall information effectively, thus setting them up for a lifetime of learning and success.

Overall, my passion for memory, my belief in the importance of a strong foundation in memory training, and the lack of emphasis on memory training in the education system all inspired me to create a memory training program for preschoolers. I am proud of the impact that the Umonics Method has had on the lives of countless preschoolers, and I look forward to continuing to make a positive difference in their lives.

“I believe that memory is a fundamental skill that is crucial for success, and it’s never too early to start developing it. By introducing memory training to preschoolers, we are setting a strong foundation for their future learning and success.”

How important is it for children to develop strong memory skills at a young age?
It is incredibly important for children to develop strong memory skills at a young age. Memory is a foundational skill that underpins almost all aspects of learning and development. It allows children to retain important information, recall facts, and build upon prior knowledge. As a memory athlete and CEO of The Umonics Method, I have seen firsthand how memory skills can positively impact a child’s education and future success.

Research has shown that children’s brains are like sponges in the early years of development. Their brains are wired to absorb information quickly, which is why teaching memory skills at a young age is so effective. When children are taught memory techniques early on, they are more likely to retain information and build upon their knowledge base as they progress through their education. This can lead to improved academic performance and better long-term outcomes.

In addition to academic benefits, developing strong memory skills at a young age can also have positive effects on other aspects of a child’s life. It can improve their ability to communicate effectively, build social connections, and enhance their overall cognitive functioning. By helping children develop strong memory skills, we are setting them up for success in all areas of their lives.

Overall, the importance of memory skills cannot be overstated. By teaching children how to develop strong memory skills at a young age, we are giving them a powerful tool that they can use throughout their lives. It is our responsibility as educators and parents to help children unlock their full potential by providing them with the tools they need to succeed.

Can you share any success stories of children who have gone through your program and shown significant improvement in their memory abilities?
Absolutely! We have numerous success stories from children who have gone through our program and shown significant improvement in their memory abilities. One example is a five-year-old boy who was struggling in school and falling behind his peers. His parents enrolled him in our program, and within a few months, they saw a remarkable improvement in his memory and overall academic performance. He went from struggling to keep up with his classmates to excelling in his studies and even participating in memory competitions.

Another success story is of a six-year-old girl who had difficulty remembering words and concepts. She would often get frustrated and upset, leading to a lack of interest in her studies. However, after going through our program, she developed a strong foundation in memory techniques and showed remarkable improvement in her ability to remember words and concepts. Her parents were thrilled to see her newfound confidence and enthusiasm for learning.

We also had a seven-year-old boy who had trouble remembering the names of people and objects. He found it challenging to socialize with others and was often shy and withdrawn. However, after going through our program, he not only improved his memory skills but also gained confidence in social situations. He was able to remember the names of his classmates and teachers, and his parents noticed a significant improvement in his overall social skills.

These are just a few examples of the many success stories we have seen in children who have gone through our program. We are proud to have helped countless children develop strong memory skills and achieve their full potential in school and beyond.

“By investing in memory training for children, we are not only improving their academic performance but also setting them up for success in life. The impact of strong memory skills is far-reaching and can open doors to endless opportunities.”

During the interview, Sancy Suraj shared her insights on the importance of developing strong memory skills in children, and how the Umonics Method caters to different learning styles and abilities among children. She also discussed the specific memory techniques and exercises that are especially effective for children and shared success stories of children who have gone through her program and shown significant improvement in their memory abilities.

As a forward-thinking CEO, Suraj spoke about her future plans for the Umonics Method, and how she plans to expand its reach to more children. She also shared practical tips for parents on how to reinforce and practice memory techniques with their children at home.

Are there any particular memory techniques or exercises that are especially effective for children?
Yes, there are a variety of memory techniques and exercises that are particularly effective for children. At Umonics, we focus on making memory training fun and engaging for kids, so they are motivated to learn and apply these techniques in their daily lives. One popular technique is the “memory palace” or “method of loci,” where children associate items they want to remember with specific locations in a familiar place, such as their house or classroom. By mentally walking through the space and visualizing the items in each location, children can better retain the information.

Another effective exercise is practicing visualization and association. Children can create mental images that help them remember words, names, or concepts. For example, to remember the word “apple,” a child might visualize a bright red apple falling from a tree and bouncing on the ground. They can also associate the word with a familiar person or object, such as imagining their favorite teacher taking a big bite out of the apple.

We also teach children the importance of repetition and review. Rehearsing information repeatedly and reviewing it regularly can help solidify it in their long-term memory. We use interactive games and exercises to make this practice more enjoyable and engaging for kids.

Finally, we encourage children to practice mindfulness and focus, as these are essential for memory retention. We teach them techniques such as deep breathing and visualization exercises that can help them stay present and engaged during the learning process.

Overall, there are many effective memory techniques and exercises for children, and we personalize our program to each child’s unique learning style and needs. By making memory training fun and interactive, children can develop strong memory skills that will benefit them in all aspects of their lives.

How does the Umonics Method cater to different learning styles and abilities among children?
The Umonics Method recognizes that every child has a unique learning style and abilities, and we cater to these differences by providing a personalized approach to memory training. Our program is designed to be flexible and adaptable, allowing us to tailor our teaching methods to each child’s specific needs.

One way we cater to different learning styles is by using a multi-sensory approach. Our program incorporates a variety of senses, such as sight, sound, touch, and movement, to help children learn and retain information better. For example, we may use visual aids like pictures and videos to help visual learners, while incorporating music and rhythm for auditory learners.

Additionally, our program is divided into different levels, each with its own set of exercises and challenges. This allows us to start with the basics and gradually increase the difficulty as a child progresses. We also encourage children to work at their own pace and provide individualized feedback to help them improve.

We also recognize that some children may have specific learning challenges, such as ADHD or dyslexia, and we have developed specific strategies to help them overcome these challenges. For example, we may use mindfulness techniques to help children with ADHD focus better or provide additional support for children with dyslexia to help them with reading and spelling.

Overall, the Umonics Method is designed to be inclusive and adaptable, catering to a wide range of learning styles and abilities. We believe that every child can benefit from memory training, and we are committed to helping each child reach their full potential.

Do you believe that the skills learned through memory training can have a positive impact on other areas of a child’s development?
Absolutely. The skills learned through memory training can have a positive impact on various areas of a child’s development. Firstly, improving memory skills can lead to better academic performance. When children have better memory skills, they can retain and recall information more effectively, which can help them in subjects such as math, science, and language. This can lead to improved grades, increased confidence, and a positive attitude towards learning.

Moreover, memory training can also improve a child’s focus and attention span. This is because memory training exercises require children to concentrate on a particular task or piece of information for an extended period. As they practice, their ability to focus and concentrate for longer periods of time improves, which can be beneficial in other areas of their life, such as during classroom lessons or when completing homework.

Memory training can also help children develop problem-solving skills. In order to remember and recall information, children must actively engage with the material and create associations or connections between different pieces of information. This can help them develop critical thinking skills and become better problem solvers in other areas of their life.

Finally, memory training can help children develop self-discipline and patience. Improving memory skills requires consistent practice over time, which can help children develop a sense of discipline and persistence. This can be beneficial in other areas of their life, such as in sports or musical instruments, where consistent practice is required to improve.

Overall, memory training can have a positive impact on various areas of a child’s development, including academic performance, focus and attention span, problem-solving skills, and self-discipline. As such, I believe that memory training is an essential skill for children to learn and develop, and one that can provide numerous benefits throughout their lives.

How can parents continue to reinforce and practice memory techniques with their children at home?
Parents can play a crucial role in reinforcing and practicing memory techniques with their children at home. The first step is to encourage children to use their memory skills in everyday life. For example, parents can ask their children to remember a short list of items from the grocery store or a list of their friends’ names. These simple exercises can help children build their memory skills and make the learning process more enjoyable.

Another effective way for parents to reinforce memory training techniques at home is to make it fun and interactive. Parents can engage their children in memory games such as “Memory Match” or “Simon Says,” which can help improve their children’s memory and cognitive abilities. These games can also help children develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills, which are essential for their overall development.

It’s also important for parents to create a supportive environment that encourages their children to practice their memory skills. For example, parents can set aside a specific time each day for their children to practice their memory techniques or create a dedicated space for them to study and practice. This can help children stay motivated and focused on their memory training, and create a sense of routine that can help them develop healthy study habits.

Finally, parents should celebrate their children’s progress and accomplishments. When children show improvement in their memory skills, parents can acknowledge and praise their efforts. This can help children build confidence in their abilities and encourage them to continue practicing and developing their memory skills.

In conclusion, parents can play a crucial role in helping their children develop strong memory skills by encouraging them to use their memory skills in everyday life, making memory training fun and interactive, creating a supportive environment, and celebrating their children’s progress and accomplishments. With consistent practice and support, children can improve their memory skills and develop a foundation for lifelong learning and success.

What are your future plans for the Umonics Method and expanding its reach to more children?
At Umonics Method, we are continuously seeking ways to expand our reach to more children and families. We are determined to make our program accessible to as many people as possible, regardless of their location or financial status. In the coming years, we plan to partner with more schools and educational institutions to provide our program to a larger audience. We believe that by collaborating with educators and institutions, we can reach more children and families and provide them with the tools they need to develop strong memory skills.

We also plan to continue developing our program and incorporating the latest research and technological advancements in the field of memory training. We want to ensure that our program remains up-to-date and relevant to the evolving needs of children and families. We are currently exploring the use of virtual reality and other interactive technologies to make our program even more engaging and effective for children.

Another important aspect of our future plans is to expand our program to other parts of the world. We believe that every child, regardless of their geographic location, deserves access to high-quality memory training. We are exploring partnerships and collaborations with organizations in different countries to bring our program to more children worldwide.

Overall, our goal is to make memory training fun, accessible, and effective for children everywhere. We believe that by empowering children with strong memory skills, we are setting them up for success in all areas of their lives.

“Our vision at Umonics Method is to empower children with the skills they need to achieve their full potential. We are committed to making memory training accessible and engaging for all children, regardless of their location or financial status. Through partnerships and collaborations, we aim to reach more children worldwide and provide them with the tools they need to develop strong memory skills and succeed in school and beyond.”

In conclusion, our interview with Sancy Suraj was informative and inspiring. Her innovative approach to memory training has the potential to help countless children develop strong memory skills and achieve their full potential. We are grateful to have had the opportunity to speak with such a dedicated and passionate CEO, and we look forward to seeing how the Umonics Method continues to make a positive impact on the lives of children around the world.