The Periodic Table Prodigy: Sancy Suraj’s Fastest Time to Recite the Periodic Table Record-Breaking Feat

Sancy Suraj, a memory coach and athlete, recently achieved another record-breaking feat by identifying all elements of the periodic table in just 4 minutes and 19 seconds, setting a new record for the Fastest Time to Recite the Periodic Table. This impressive achievement took place on Pi Day, 28 August 2021, at Trehaus@Funan, and has cemented Suraj’s place as one of the world’s top memory athletes.

What inspired you to pursue memory competitions and break records, particularly in the field of science and chemistry?
As a child, I was always fascinated by memory and the human brain’s incredible capabilities. Growing up, I had a natural inclination towards science and chemistry, and that eventually led me to the world of memory competitions. I was amazed by the techniques and strategies used by memory athletes to memorize vast amounts of information in a short amount of time. I knew right away that I wanted to be a part of this world and push my memory to its limits.

As for breaking records in the field of science and chemistry, it’s a personal passion of mine. I believe that science and chemistry are fascinating subjects that are essential to understanding the world around us. I wanted to use my memory skills to not only break records but also inspire others to take an interest in these fields. Breaking records is an incredible feeling, but it’s also about the journey and the impact it can have on others.

To prepare for the Fastest Time to Recite the Periodic Table record, I spent countless hours memorizing and practicing. I used a combination of memory techniques, such as the memory palace technique and visualization, to help me memorize the elements quickly and accurately. I also spent a lot of time typing out the elements to ensure that I had the spelling correct, which was a unique challenge compared to other memory competitions.

One of the most significant challenges I faced while memorizing the periodic table was ensuring that I didn’t mix up the elements’ order or spelling. It was also challenging to memorize the symbols for each element, as some are not intuitive. To overcome these challenges, I practiced extensively and broke down the periodic table into smaller sections to memorize each section thoroughly before moving on to the next.

For those interested in improving their memory skills or pursuing memory competitions, my advice would be to start small and work your way up. Memorize a few numbers or words at first, and gradually increase the amount of information you’re memorizing. Practice consistently and don’t give up, even if it feels challenging at first. Finally, try to enjoy the process and have fun with it. Memory competitions are not just about breaking records; they’re also an opportunity to challenge yourself and explore the incredible capabilities of your brain.

How did you train for and prepare to break the Fastest Time to Recite the Periodic Table record?
To break the Fastest Time to Recite the Periodic Table record, I used a combination of memory techniques and strategies that I have developed over the years. The first step in preparing for any memory competition is to understand the material you will be memorizing thoroughly. In the case of the periodic table, this meant understanding the organization of the table and the properties of each element.

Once I had a good grasp of the material, I used the memory palace technique to memorize the periodic table quickly and accurately. This technique involves associating each element with a specific location in a familiar building or place, such as your house or a street you frequently visit. By creating a mental image of the element in that location, it becomes easier to remember its position and properties.

Another strategy I used was visualization. To help me remember the symbols for each element, I created mental images that represented the symbols. For example, I visualized a tiger for the element Ti and a kangaroo for the element K. This technique helped me remember the symbols quickly and accurately.

I also practiced typing out the periodic table repeatedly to ensure that I had the spelling correct. This was a unique challenge compared to other memory competitions, as I had to not only remember the elements’ order but also their spelling. By practicing typing out the periodic table, I was able to reinforce my memory and ensure that I was spelling each element correctly.

Overall, memorizing the periodic table requires a combination of understanding the material, using memory techniques and strategies, and consistent practice. By breaking down the table into smaller sections, associating each element with a specific location or mental image, and practicing typing out the table, I was able to memorize the periodic table quickly and accurately.

 Could you walk us through the techniques and strategies you used to memorize the periodic table quickly and accurately?
Improving memory skills and pursuing memory competitions can be challenging but highly rewarding. My advice for anyone interested in improving their memory skills or competing in memory competitions would be to start small and practice consistently.

There are many techniques and strategies that can be used to improve memory skills, such as visualization, memory palaces, and repetition. I would recommend starting with one technique and practicing it consistently for a period of time before moving on to another. By practicing consistently, the brain becomes more adept at memorizing information, and it becomes easier to apply these techniques to different areas of life.

For those interested in memory competitions, I would suggest starting with smaller competitions and gradually working up to larger ones. Participating in competitions can be nerve-wracking, but the more experience you have, the more comfortable you will become.

It’s also important to remember that memory skills can be improved at any age. It’s never too late to start practicing and improving your memory skills. Additionally, memory skills can be applied to many different areas of life, such as studying for exams, remembering names and faces, and even in professional settings.

Ultimately, improving memory skills requires dedication and consistent practice, but the rewards are well worth it. Whether you are interested in memory competitions or simply want to improve your memory for personal or professional reasons, there are many techniques and strategies available to help you achieve your goals.

“Memory is like a muscle that can be trained and strengthened through consistent practice. The more you exercise it, the stronger it becomes. So don’t be afraid to start small and keep pushing yourself to improve. The rewards of having a strong memory can be life-changing.”

What were some of the biggest challenges you faced while memorizing the periodic table, and how did you overcome them?
Maintaining and improving memory skills after breaking multiple records requires continuous practice and training. The brain is like a muscle that needs to be exercised regularly to stay strong and healthy. It’s essential to keep challenging yourself and practicing new memory techniques to continue improving.

One way to maintain memory skills is to participate in regular memory competitions. These competitions provide an opportunity to practice and refine memory techniques while also challenging yourself against other memory athletes. Additionally, participating in competitions can provide motivation to continue practicing and improving.

Another way to maintain memory skills is to integrate memory techniques into daily life. For example, using memory palaces to remember a shopping list or associating names with mental images can help keep memory skills sharp. By incorporating memory techniques into daily life, the brain stays active and continues to improve.

Finally, taking care of overall health and well-being is essential for maintaining memory skills. Getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and managing stress levels can all contribute to better brain function and memory retention.

In summary, maintaining and improving memory skills after breaking multiple records requires consistent practice, participation in competitions, integrating memory techniques into daily life, and taking care of overall health and well-being. With dedication and effort, it’s possible to continue improving memory skills and achieve even more record-breaking feats.

Can you share any advice for others who may be interested in improving their memory skills or pursuing memory competitions?
One of the most significant benefits of memory training and competing is the ability to improve overall cognitive function. The brain is a complex organ that can be trained and strengthened through consistent exercise, just like any other muscle in the body. Regular memory training can help improve memory, focus, attention, and overall brain function, which can lead to improved performance in many areas of life, both personally and professionally.

In addition to improving cognitive function, memory training and competing can also provide a sense of achievement and personal growth. Breaking records and achieving personal bests can be incredibly rewarding and provide a sense of accomplishment. Participating in competitions and meeting other memory athletes can also provide a sense of community and support.

Professionally, memory training and competing can also have many benefits. For example, memory techniques can be applied to many areas of work, such as remembering clients’ names, presentations, and even specific data sets. Strong memory skills can also make it easier to learn new skills and improve job performance.

Overall, memory training and competing can provide many personal and professional benefits. Improving cognitive function, achieving personal growth, and applying memory techniques to various areas of life are just a few of the benefits that come with memory training and competing.

“Memory training and competing not only improve cognitive function but also provide a sense of achievement and personal growth. By strengthening the brain through consistent exercise, individuals can see improvements in memory, focus, attention, and overall brain function, which can lead to success in many areas of life, both personally and professionally.”

In an exclusive interview with our magazine, Suraj shared insights into his memory techniques and strategies that he used to prepare for this feat. He also opened up about his journey as a memory athlete and his passion for breaking records in the fields of science and chemistry.

Suraj described how he trained for months leading up to the record-breaking attempt, utilizing memory techniques such as visualization, association, and chunking to memorize the elements of the periodic table quickly and accurately. He also shared how he overcame the challenges of remembering complex chemical names and spellings, as well as the pressure of performing in front of a live audience.

Throughout the interview, Suraj emphasized the importance of consistency, dedication, and setting ambitious goals when it comes to memory improvement. He also shared valuable advice for those who are interested in improving their memory skills or pursuing memory competitions.

How do you maintain your memory skills and continue to improve after breaking multiple records?
My success in breaking multiple memory records is due to my continuous effort to practice and improve my memory skills. After each competition, I review my performance and identify areas for improvement, which I then incorporate into my training regimen.

One of the most important aspects of my training is the use of memory techniques. I rely on techniques such as the memory palace, visualization, and association to quickly and accurately memorize large amounts of information. These techniques require practice and repetition to perfect, and I continuously work on refining and improving them.

In addition to memory techniques, I also focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Adequate sleep, regular exercise, and a balanced diet are all essential for maintaining optimal brain function and memory retention.

Another critical aspect of my training is mental preparation. Before each competition, I visualize my performance and mentally rehearse my techniques. This helps me feel more confident and prepared when it’s time to compete.

Overall, my training regimen consists of a combination of memory techniques, healthy lifestyle habits, and mental preparation. By continually practicing and improving these areas, I am able to maintain and improve my memory skills and achieve new records.

What are some of the benefits you have experienced from memory training and competing, both personally and professionally?
I have experienced many benefits from memory training and competing, both personally and professionally. One of the most significant benefits is the improvement in my overall cognitive function, including memory, focus, and attention. This has not only helped me in memory competitions but also in my everyday life, such as remembering important details and staying focused on tasks.

Participating in memory competitions has also provided me with a sense of accomplishment and personal growth. Breaking records and achieving personal bests has been incredibly rewarding and has motivated me to continue pushing myself to improve.

Memory training and competing have also provided me with a sense of community and support. I have had the opportunity to meet and compete with other memory athletes from around the world, which has been a great experience. This community has provided me with support and motivation, and I have learned a lot from other athletes’ techniques and experiences.

Professionally, memory training and competing have also been beneficial. Memory techniques can be applied to many areas of work, such as remembering clients’ names, presentations, and even specific data sets. Strong memory skills have helped me learn new skills more quickly and improve my job performance.

Overall, memory training and competing have had many positive effects on my life, both personally and professionally. Improved cognitive function, personal growth, community, and professional benefits are just a few of the ways that memory training and competing have helped me.

Could you tell us about your other memory records and accomplishments, and how they have helped you grow as a memory athlete?
I have achieved a total of 6 memory records, including the Fastest Time to Recite the Periodic Table. In addition to the periodic table, I have also set records for reciting the most number of digits of pi, binary digits, and playing cards, among others.

Each of these records has helped me grow as a memory athlete and refine my techniques. For example, memorizing the periodic table required a different set of techniques than memorizing digits of pi. Each record has challenged me in unique ways and has helped me identify areas for improvement.

Breaking these records has also helped me gain recognition in the memory community and beyond. It has allowed me to connect with other memory athletes and experts and has opened up new opportunities for me, such as speaking engagements and media interviews.

Furthermore, each record has given me a sense of pride and accomplishment. Breaking a record requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and practice, and seeing my efforts pay off in the form of a new record is incredibly satisfying.

Overall, each of my memory records has been a valuable experience, helping me to grow as a memory athlete and refine my techniques. Breaking these records has also helped me gain recognition and a sense of pride and accomplishment.

What are your future plans and goals in the field of memory competitions, and what records do you hope to break next?
My future plans and goals in the field of memory competitions are to continue pushing myself to break new records and achieve personal bests. I am always looking for new challenges and opportunities to improve my memory skills, whether it’s in a competition or in my daily life.

One of my main goals is to continue improving my overall memory skills and techniques. I want to refine my existing strategies and learn new ones that will allow me to memorize information more quickly and accurately. This will involve a lot of practice and experimentation to find what works best for me.

In terms of specific records, I am always looking for new challenges to tackle. I am interested in attempting records for memorizing long strings of words, historical events, and other complex information sets. I also want to continue to improve my existing records, such as the number of digits of pi that I can recite.

Outside of breaking records, I also want to continue to contribute to the memory community. I am interested in teaching others about memory techniques and helping to inspire others to pursue memory improvement and compete in memory competitions. I hope to continue to be an advocate for the benefits of memory training and competing and to encourage others to develop their own memory skills.

Overall, my future plans and goals in the field of memory competitions are focused on continued growth and improvement, pushing myself to break new records, and contributing to the memory community.

Lastly, what message or advice would you like to share with our readers who may be interested in pursuing memory improvement or competing in memory competitions?
To those who are interested in improving their memory skills or pursuing memory competitions, my advice would be to start small and be consistent in your practice. Memory improvement is a skill that can be developed with practice, but it requires patience and dedication.

Begin by learning and practicing basic memory techniques, such as the method of loci or the peg system. These techniques can help you improve your ability to remember information, and you can gradually build upon these skills over time.

Consistency is key when it comes to memory improvement. Practice a little bit every day, even if it’s just for a few minutes. The more you practice, the more you will improve, and eventually, you will be able to memorize larger and more complex sets of information.

It’s also important to challenge yourself and set goals for improvement. This can involve attempting to memorize longer strings of numbers or words, or participating in local memory competitions. Challenging yourself will help you to continue growing your memory skills and can be a great way to stay motivated.

Finally, remember to have fun with memory improvement. It can be a challenging and rewarding skill to develop, and the sense of accomplishment that comes with improving your memory can be incredibly satisfying. So don’t be afraid to experiment with new techniques, set ambitious goals, and enjoy the process of improving your memory.

“Memory improvement is a journey that requires consistency, challenge, and a willingness to try new things. With practice and dedication, anyone can develop their memory skills and unlock their full potential.”

Sancy Suraj’s achievement in breaking the Fastest Time to Recite the Periodic Table record is a testament to his remarkable memory skills and dedication as a memory athlete. His journey serves as an inspiration to anyone who wishes to improve their memory abilities and achieve their goals through consistent practice and hard work. We look forward to seeing what records Suraj will break next and wish him continued success in his career as a memory athlete.